TOP 6 Biggest Mistakes Ever we Made to Lose Weight (AVOID THESE!) and Lose Weight in a Week - Oblivion

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Monday 2 July 2018

TOP 6 Biggest Mistakes Ever we Made to Lose Weight (AVOID THESE!) and Lose Weight in a Week

Here are the 6 Biggest Mistakes that we Made to Lose Weight that Cause Failure Forever

TOP 6 Biggest Mistakes Ever we Made to Lose Weight (AVOID THESE!) and Lose Weight in a Week

I want to share with you how to lose weight. You guys know that I'm going to set the tone from the beginning of this Article. I'm not going to bullshit you. I'm going to tell you exactly what you need to hear, and the things that will actually work.

These are the six biggest mistakes that people make when it comes time to trying to do this.

Mistake No 1: 
You've got to hold yourself accountable

Not anybody else. When I talk about that, I'm talking about a very deep, meaningful level. Like, what is going to set this up as a different scenario this time than it was any other time that you tried to do this? Are you trying to set the example for, let's say, your own children to be healthy? Are you trying to be a fitter person because you know that other people depend upon you, both at work, and at home? What is it that you're going to do? Are you going to – maybe it's even a more trivial level. 
Your favorite TV show, you will not pull yourself away from. Great. You want to watch it? You only get to do so if you first work out. Even someone like Jesse, we actually put him on camera in front of all of you to make his changes, and be held accountable by doing so because if he stopped working out, he knew he needed that. He even asked me if he could do that. He wanted that level of accountability. Hold yourself accountable and I promise you, things will change this year.
Especially if you go for that deeper, more meaningful level.

Mistake No 2: 
Trying to setup an eating plan for yourself 
that doesn’t mesh with your personality

We know that losing weight is always going to have to factor at some point back to how we're eating. I'm going to tell you this. One of the biggest mistakes you're making is trying to setup an eating plan for yourself that doesn’t mesh with your personality. I'm going to give you an example. If your issue with eating right now is that you're a grazer – meaning you eat at all different times of day, with no real focus, or plan on how, and when you do it – then trying to jump into an intermittent fasting lifestyle is going to set you up for failure, and a big disaster. Why? 
Am I saying that intermittent fasting is not going to work, or help you lose weight? No. People are losing weight doing intermittent fasting. The problem is, for you, you've just gone completely opposite of how you tend to eat. A grazer eating multiple times a day will feel ultimately restricted by being put into an eight hour eating window, or a six hour eating window. Whereas, if your problem is eating in large portions – not necessarily eating throughout the entire day – the large portion eater could benefit really well from having a shorter time frame from which they can eat.
So that means maybe instead of having four big, huge meals throughout the day, they've consolidated that into a shorter eating period, and that tends to work for you. So you have to find the style of eating that's going to help you restrict calories – because ultimately, that's what they all do – in the most effective way for you, and how you are right now.

Mistake No 3:
To Get a Jump Start in a dehydrated state

It is one that I've talked about here on this Blog several times before, but I'm going to say it again because it's going to matter to you. That is you'd better get your hydration started early in the day. 75% of us walk around every, single day in a dehydrated state, and we're never, ever caught up, no matter how much we try throughout the day. That is because we're missing the best opportunity we have for getting ahead. That is to start focusing on it when you wake up. 20oz-30oz of water, the first thing you do.
It's a great habit to get into now. I say "habit" because I will tell you this you can ask your friends, you can look around those that you see in the gym that are ultra-fit, you've never met someone incredibly fit that isn't also regimented. That doesn't have a routine. That doesn't have a series of habits. Get into the habit of developing more healthy habits, and I promise you, you'll be in a better spot next year this time, than you are right now. When it comes to drinking water your energy levels depend upon it. 
Even a small dip in your hydration levels will cause you to feel more fatigued, more foggy, but more importantly, probably less likely to want to get your ass to the gym later on that day. If you stay hydrated and stay ahead of the game your energy levels, and your anticipation for actually wanting to go train will be high, and you'll never miss your workouts. I guarantee it. 

As we roll into mistake number four we have to understand that any guide about losing weight is ultimately going to rely on your ability to look at yourself, whether you're in clothes, or out of clothes, and notice the changes that you're making. Those changes are what will inspire you to continue to try and make more. 

Mistake No.4: 
No Weight Training in Weight Lose

I'm going to tell you this: you're absolutely not going to like what you see if your only efforts in the gym are jumping on a treadmill, or trying to jump on the stair climber, and do all of your exercises in that form. The biggest thing you need to do to change your body and the way it looks is to change your body composition. You need to build lean muscle, in addition to losing weight. The fact is, you can actually afford to lose less weight if you improve your body composition because you're going to look better. The more lean muscle you add, the more aesthetically pleasing you're going to be, the more you're going to like yourself in, and out of clothes. 
The fact is, two people that weigh the same with one carrying a lot more muscle mass than the other, are going to look extremely different standing side by side in their clothes. One's going to potentially look skinny-fat, and the other one is going to look incredibly fit. You want to be the one that looks incredibly fit, and that means you want to make sure,without negotiating here, that your plan for losing weight also includes picking up those damn weights, and moving them around a little bit.

Mistake No.5: 
                         Healthy Foods For Slimming Foods

Going to ruffle some feathers here, but do me a favor and hear me out. When it comes to healthy fats you'd better have a respect for how much of them you're eating. Look, I'm a big believer in including healthy fats in your diet, but you have to understand– as we've pointed out here – any attempt to lose weight is going to demand that you get into a hypocaloric state. Meaning, you are taking in fewer calories than you are burning in a given day.The caloric density of fats cannot be understated.
They're twice as dense, calorically, than carbohydrates, or proteins. People think that they've heard how much carbons are the enemy – which is not the case either, by the way – and have flocked to eating healthier fats. They've confused "healthy foods" with "foods that make you skinny". That is a big, big mistake. If your attempt to lose weight in the coming months is eating a salad every afternoon that is filled with olive oil, avocados, and nuts; I'm telling you, you're not going to lose a lot of weight. Calorically, you've just loaded in about 1500 calories into that one, healthy salad.
Again, don’t get me wrong. They are incredibly important, but you need to eat your fats in moderation if you're going to be able to maintain a hypocaloric state that is necessary for losing weight. Keep your fats in your diet. Do not cut them out. But making smarter choices when it comes to those is going to be critical for your ability to lose weight once, and for all.

Mistake No.6:
Making This Time as the Last Time!

When you're trying to lose weight, is making this time look all too similar to the last time. You see, as soon as you head to the gym, and you swipe that card, and maybe you break out the same new shoes you got for Christmas last year, and the same new gym outfit you got last year, and you miss one workout what does it look like? It looks like the same thing that happened last year .Immediately, you know that. You recognize that, and you feel to yourself."It's all happening all over again. I've already lost." 
So what you need to do is, you need to somehow make this time look different. I would first advise you to get a plan because if you went there last year with no plan – you didn't know how many days a week you were going to train, you didn’t know what you were going to train while you were there, you thought it was all about just doing the cardio – whatever the thing is that you did wrong, you're going to be better off with a plan. But if you had a plan, then do something else different. Change the time that you go to the gym. Change the gym altogether.
Maybe bring someone else to the gym with you to, again, hold yourselves accountable. Maybe, don’t even train at a gym at all. Train at home this time, or maybe even introduce some supplements that you're now having to hold yourself even more accountable toward because you feel at least there's something different that you added. It actually cost you some money, so now you have to make sure that you're holding up your end of the bargain to allow those supplements to work.

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